Travelling Candle

This little project is about turning something that is meaningless, a failure even, into something meaningful and of value.
This candle was a meaningless, cheap item at the start, one of many. Through its own story, it reached my hand, it was given to me. One day, it will be a special candle, one that travelled and burned at different places with my thoughts of some people who touched and enriched my life. A travelling candle is like a person, in a way it also represents a person. A new person in our lives has no real meaning or value at the first encounter, but the value develops as time goes by.

The candle travels and burns for people I couldn’t take with me. For thoughts and problems, mine and theirs:

  • For parents, for whom you were not enough
  • For traumas, and rejection you experienced
  • For unreturned love
  • For unsolvable problems
  • For losing your compass in life
  • For feeling alone, and being alone for so long
  • For losing a dear person
  • For not being able to show your colours, being misunderstood
  • For not being accepted for who you are
  • For shadows that always come back
  • For demons, you are fighting in your head

The candle is a symbol of not being alone. It hopefully shows you you are not alone either. That you can be great, loving, enriching and beautiful even when you don’t get anything in return. Even when you try, and fail again. When your world gets caught up in the thickest fog. When your good thoughts, wishes and efforts have to stay silent.

Travelling Candle is about creating meaning and value in the absence of it. It is meaningless, but it is also full of value. It burns for me, and for you. As you are in my thoughts sometimes too!