About me

Hi, I’m Dorian
welcome to my Blog! 🙂
Moving through the fog and uncertainties of life can at times feel impossible. I’m writing here to help myself, and to help others going through the same. I write about my journey, mistakes, getting lost, emotional/psychological abuse I experienced, mental health struggles, job loss, failing goals, and other.
More importantly, I write about learning and growth. Things that helped me go out of tough situations, and some adventures I experienced on the way.
It all started in one of the biggest downfalls of my life.
The part on abuse is not fun but I find it relevant for raising awareness of non-intentional harm you yourself might be doing, or are subject to though not aware. I’ll be jumping to my history at times and write about important events that formed parts of me.
I experienced emotional abuse and manipulation which filled me with extreme self-doubt and anxiety. While going through it, I also lost a job, while living in a new (7th) country for only 1 year, and living abroad for more than a decade. I felt without a home, without purpose, without value (what/who do I live for?), and without much desire to live life like that.
It took me a long time to learn to embrace that I am untethered. And I’m not entirely there yet.
Feeling like a kite on a strong wind that is being blown away from a hand holding it, it is a very uncomfortable state to be in. No control, and no compass. But again – it is not entirely like that! I learned to see some advantages of the situations I ended up in, and found some strengths I was not aware of.
Heavy stuff won’t interest many, but I have some nice photos and interesting thoughts to sweeten it up.
In the end, I’m writing this for myself.
In case I entertain someone, broaden your horizons, or help someone in whatever little way – then this blog will have some value for you too.
Welcome to my journey!